What did adventureworks database replace
What did adventureworks database replace

The content has been localized into French, Simplified Chinese and Thai. Individual customers (names and addresses) that purchase Adventure Works Cycles products online.ĭisplays the content from each element in the xml column Demographics for each customer in the Sales.Individual table.ĭisplays the content from each education related element in the xml column Resume in the HumanResources.JobCandidate table. Returns employee name and current and previous departments. HumanResources.vEmployeeDepartmentHistory Returns employee name, title, and current department.

what did adventureworks database replace

Updates the Employee table with the values specified in the input parameters for the given EmployeeID.

what did adventureworks database replace

Updates the Employee table and inserts a new row in the EmployeePayHistory table with the values specified in the input parameters. Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect employees of the specified manager. Stored procedure using a recursive query to return the direct and indirect managers of the specified employee.

What did adventureworks database replace update#

Table value function returning the first name, last name, job title and contact type for a given contact.ĪFTER UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in PurchaseOrderDetail and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column.ĪFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the PurchaseOrderHeader table.ĪFTER UPDATE trigger that updates the RevisionNumber and ModifiedDate columns in the SalesOrderHeader table.Updates the SalesYTD column in the SalesPerson and SalesTerritory tables. Sales representative transfers to other sales territories.Ĭustomers (resellers) of Adventure Works products.Ĭross-reference table mapping stores and their employees.

what did adventureworks database replace

Sales representative current information. See SalesOrderHeader.Ĭross-reference table mapping sales orders to sales reason codes. Individual products associated with a specific sales order. Individual products associated with a specific purchase order. Résumés submitted to Human Resources by job applicants. INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger which keeps Employees from being deleted.Ĭross-reference table mapping employees to their address(es).ĪFTER INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table, updates ModifiedDate in SalesOrderDetail and updates the SalesOrderHeader.SubTotal column.ĭemographic data about customers that purchase Adventure Works products online.ĪFTER INSERT trigger that inserts a row in the TransactionHistory table and updates the PurchaseOrderHeader.SubTotal column.ĪFTER INSERT trigger inserting Store only if the Customer does not exist in the Individual table.ĪFTER INSERT, UPDATE trigger inserting Individual only if the Customer does not exist in the Store table and setting the ModifiedDate column in the Individual table to the current date.

what did adventureworks database replace

Used to support a merge replication sample.ĭate and time the record was last updated.Ĭheck constraint >= '' AND = '' AND = '' AND = '' AND = (0) AND =( 0) AND = (-40) AND =( - 40) AND <=( 240)) ROWGUIDCOL number uniquely identifying the record. 1 = Salaried, exempt from collective bargaining. 0 = Hourly, not exempt from collective bargaining. Work title such as Buyer or Sales Representative. Manager to whom the employee is assigned. Identifies the employee in the Contact table. Unique national identification number such as a social security number.

What did adventureworks database replace